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New Zoom Information for Shir Shalom

10/27/2022 03:58:00 PM


Sari White

Since the installation of our new audio visual equipment and Zoom capabilities, we now have two Zoom numbers we will be using.
The new "Zoom Room" (Sanctuary) number (219-902-8045) is for larger activities where there are many people on zoom and there are many voices in the sanctuary that need to be heard (e.g Rabbi, choir, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, and Torah readers). ...Read more...

Message from Rabbi Ilene Harkavy Haigh

06/08/2022 12:14:37 PM


Rabbi Ilene Harkavy Haigh

In her collection of poetry, Amanda Gorman writes, 

“It is easy to harp,
Harder to hope…”

The events of the past few weeks in Buffalo, Uvalde and… leave us in a place where ­it is easy to harp and harder to hope.  The tragedies and the diminution of rights seeping through the courts leave so many of us in deepest frustration.  We are unnerved by the...Read more...

Shir Shalom Israel Trip Fall of 2022 

04/12/2022 09:40:21 AM


Rabbi Ilene Harkavy Haigh and Marlene Gavens


We are so excited to announce our upcoming Trip to Israel in the fall of 2022.  This will be our third congregational trip and following the dislocation of the pandemic, fulfilling our Passover promise of next year in Jerusalem feels pretty wonderful. If you are interested in joining us, October 26- Nov 6, 2022 please contact  Marlene Gavens.  Final Itinerary coming soon. If...Read more...

Passover at ShirShalomVt and Beyond

04/11/2022 11:26:13 AM


Rabbi Ilene Harkavy Haigh

The view from here

I am honored, as always, to write for the Vermont Standard, though I’m never certain where the words and prayers of my heart might land. I do not use much social media and I am a bit old fashioned thinking about where my words might reach. I hope they might travel from our sanctuary on West Woodstock Road (Route 4) all the way past our friends in Quechee to the East and beyond Killington to the West. The wonder...Read more...

Shir Shalom Provides Meals for The Haven at Passover- we need your help

04/10/2022 11:00:47 AM


Susan Brown

Supporting the Haven During Passover by April 24 - Fulfilling the mitzvah of feeding those in need for...Read more...

Shir Shalom VT Welcomes Rabbi Denise Eger

12/15/2021 11:58:50 AM


Margie Elsberg

Friday December 17th  at 7 PM

Rabbi Denise Eger, the founder of Kol Ami, ”All My People,” a Los Angeles synagogue that has been a leader in North America’s Jewish and LBGTQ+ communities since 1992, will...Read more...

12/06/2021 12:14:19 PM


A View from the desk of Rabbi Ilene Haigh   
 December 6, 2021

On Friday night, Jeff Kahn helped the community to launch lanterns that lifted light to the sky for all to see. It was part of our indoor/outdoor/live/on zoom Chanukah...Read more...

Be the Light this Chanukah 

11/25/2021 07:54:37 PM


Rabbi Ilene Haigh and Phyllis Forbes President


If your rabbi was going to reach out, this Chanukah, of all Chanukahs and write to you, what in the world would she say?  It is indeed a dark time of year and for some this has been quite a year.  This year Chanukah falls on the cusp of Thanksgiving. A moment in time when our nation might, if...Read more...

Today is Sukkot

09/22/2021 03:02:16 PM


Rabbi Ilene Haigh

Today is Sukkot - for a number of complex and boring administrative reasons I’m not near my shul sukkah or my yet to be built home sukkah.
I was on the beach with a dear friend - we were admiring the hundreds of birds settled along the shore.
At one point about 800 birds ascended in flight around us. We almost...Read more...

Welcome Back

07/09/2021 12:32:54 PM


Phyllis Forbes

What a strange year we have all had.  Locked in our homes, unable to do many of the things we loved or see many of the people we loved.  But quiet as the rest of our lives might have been, Shir Shalom has not been quiet.  In addition to adding new programs, and increasing our worship services, our education offerings and our contacts with our congregation,...Read more...

Holocaust Torah Dedication

02/10/2021 01:43:36 PM


Congregation Shir Shalom dedicated our Holocaust Torah scroll on Saturday, September 28, 2019.  A Torah is a scroll of parchment inscribed with the Five Books of Moses. Congregation Shir Shalom’s orphaned Torah, a survivor of the Holocaust, came from Švihov (Bohemia) which is now part of the Czech Republic and likely dates to the 1840's. Celebrating the arrival of our special Holocaust Torah will honor those lost in the...Read more...

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785