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Teen Programs

As members of the URJ, we have access to all NFTY programs nationwide. However, we are Vermont centered. Our teens have opportunities to engage in the Hebrew School as madrichim, and participate in bringing their gifts (musical, artistic and otherwise) to the community. With few Jewish kids in our public schools, the friendships formed through B’nai Mitzvah learning and beyond are links for life. The teens lead their own annual service, participate in Social Action, and give back to the community.  This year college students participated, sharing their on campus experience, comforted to be back at Shir Shalom with friends and extended family.  A place of comfort. A source of strenght and balance.  

This year our teens joined teens from Vermont and New Hampshire for a wonderful trip to New York City.  Exploring Shabbat in a NYC temple, visiting Ellis Island, the theater and Jewish Food.  Joining teens from across the region enhanced and deepened their experience of what it means to be Jewish in this complicated moment.  

Our trips to Washington D.C. to attend Teen Social Justice Conferences with the Religious Action Center are a highlight for our teens. There they have the opportunity to meet Jewish peers from all over the country and lobby our state officials on current issues that are important to them.

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785