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Please join us

for the First Seder

Monday, April 22

6 pm


מַה נִּשְׁתַּנָּה הַלַּיְלָה הַזֶּה


Mah nishtanah? Why is this night different from all other nights?


This year the questions might be different, and each of us might respond in our own way. Wherever you are, this year we all need the joy of Pesach more than ever. Our hearts may be in deep tangles of uncertainty and pain, but this year more than ever we need to be together. Join with us, bring your friends, celebrate the joy and wonder of a time of redemption, and of hope.


Chag Pesach sameach

Rabbi Ilene Haigh

and Michael Brown, President


Please bring a dish to share with 10 people.

We will provide the matzah ball soup.


We need volunteers to help us to set up

and to help us to transform our sanctuary

after the festivities.


Please join us

Please email Roni Skerker or Dan Gottlieb

if you will able to help.

No reservations necessary.


Participating in the gorgeous cycle of the Jewish year is a mitzvah. We are invited weekly to enter Shabbat and throughout the year to celebrate our three festivals and journey together through the ten days of Awe. Nothing is more glorious than celebrating Sukkot in our field, Tashlich on the Ottauquechee River, or hearing the shofar blown in our gorgeous sanctuary.   

Our Chanukah is usually capacity filled with lights ablaze for our annual celebration.  We celebrated eight nights  with a focus on Social Justice and bringing light to the world.  We celebrate together indoors and outdoors with a joy filled party at Shir ShalomVT.

Our Passover potlucks bring over a hundred folks together to share in the telling of our story, remembering that we too were slaves in Egypt. What obligations do we carry? What are we called upon to do?   

Come and unroll the Torah with us on Simchat Torah, dance with her, engage with her, let her teachings hold you as you visit with friends old and new on a sacred journey together.   

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784