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Exploring our Jewish and spiritual roots, together


Vermont is a special place. And we reflect that. Shir Shalom is a collaborative community with an independent spirit. This isn’t Judaism that’s done to you or for you. It’s done with you.

We provide a place where:

  • Jews can come together to pray, learn, encourage and support one another. 
  • Non-Jewish loved ones and friends make up an important part of our community. 
  • We can learn more about what being Jewish means to us as individuals, as people in Vermont, and as part of a universal community.  

Our affiliation with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) reflects our values of inclusion and social justice. At Shir Shalom, people who wouldn’t otherwise have an opportunity to be Jewish, can be Jewish.

It says in Exodus: “Make me a sanctuary that I might dwell among them.” The idea of creating a sanctuary where community and the Divine might thrive is intrinsic to who we are as a community. We invite you to visit us at our beautiful space in Woodstock, Vermont. Or join us virtually.

Notes from Rabbi Haigh:

Torah. A responsibility to teach our children, L’Dor v’Dor. The idea that a community is obliged to make a school.
As individuals, the idea that when two people study Torah, the Shechinah (the indwelling of the divine) dwells among them. 

We are committed to Education, for ourselves and for our children (it’s a Jewish thing!) 

We have been blessed with world-class teachers for our scholars-in-residence: Art Green, Lawrence Hoffman, Norman Cohen, David Saperstein, Rachel Isaacs, Michael Marmur, Sheffa Gold, Susannah Heschel ... and so we have shared in the most profound learning. 

This year we embarked on a study of Israeli history with Dr. Meron Medzini, who served as press secretary under three prime ministers in Israel.

We have a committed weekly Torah study group, and a Hebrew class for adults, starting with the aleph bet, and ultimately leading to B'nai Mitzvah celebrations for adults and children alike.

Our Teen Programs exceed our wildest dreams - keeping kids interested after their B'nai Mitzvah is a stated and met goal for the congregation. Going to the Religious Action Center in D.C. has always been a highlight of our Teen work. We have also taken 50 people to Israel on two trips, including four of our teens. 

There is no charge for Hebrew school or participating in any of our learning. Everything is translated, and everything is made accessible. We welcome learners with all backgrounds and all skills, accommodating the special needs of children and adults alike.

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785