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No Dues or Fees

Since 1988, our innovative congregation, the first of its kind, has thrived and grown with donations from the head and heart. We have found that trusting in the inherent goodness of the human being can and will support our congregation.

Everything we do is voluntary. And everyone gives in their own ways. Our community members share their time, their talents, and financial gifts when possible. 

For you, it may be:

  • showing up for a minyan
  • lending your voice to the choir
  • baking a challah
  • offering a D'var Torah
  • helping to lead a service
  • building our community Sukkah
  • fighting for social justice
  • teaching Israeli dancing
  • pitching in at potlucks and lending a hand at holiday celebrations
  • visiting the sick 
  • teaching or assisting in the school
  • or simply saying hineini: being willing to be there when needed

We welcome your contributions. 

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785